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Small light lanterns on the tree (Landscape version)

Small_light_lanterns_on_the_tree_Landscape_version_20191229.jpg Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)Beijing City from the Olympics Tower at Beijing, China. A little foggy.缩略图Small light lanterns on the tree (Portrait version)

Small light lanterns on the tree (Landscape version). Shot on Xiaomi MI 9 SE, ISO400, 1/60, Edited using Photoshop.